We are grateful for your interest in Zion's United Church of Christ and feel privileged to invite you to visit with us not only on this website, but also in person. You will find we are a warm and friendly congregation that offers many activities along with opportunities for worship and outreach available to every age group. As you look at our website, we hope you will consider worshiping with us.
Mailing address: Zion's United Church of Christ 209 Chestnut Street Pottstown, PA 19464 Office: 610.323.3637 Fax: 610.323.3426 Email: [email protected]
Welcome to worship at Zion's Each week we gather as a faith community to share a common experience as we individually and collectively love and magnify God. We invite you to join us this Sunday for a worship service that can provide both a joyous and reflective setting for our busy lives.
One traditional worship service is held every Sunday in our historic sanctuary. Join us at 10:15 a.m. and participate in a service of scripture, song, and inspiring words of faith.
Sunday Mornings Traditional Worship (in the Sanctuary) The first Sunday of each month we worship with Trinity Reformed UCC, alternating churches. 10:15 a.m.
Mission Statement We are called by God to be disciples of Jesus Christ and to be faithful in our service and ministry. We welcome all who want to share in the Christian faith through exciting worship, with great music and inspiring messages. We offer an inviting program of nurture for children and youth to strengthen the families of our church and to build our church family. We reach out in Christian love to those in need in our community and around the world. Through these programs and activities, we will build the unity of the church and strengthen the fellowship we share.